photographer . gposer . roleplayer . timezone: GMT+1


ㅤㅤ"Power is a perspective-- look at it differently and maybe you'll alter your own."ㅤㅤ

ㅤauthor introduction :ㅤ This is my RP and photography carrd. You can find all about my character, her backstory and her current connections within the various pages. If you're looking for my photography, please pick the right tabs to locate the prices and examples.If you have questions and or need to conact me directly, my discord is lolalove No capital letters.

❀ character ❀

  • name / alias : ㅤRaphtalia Raven.

  • age :ㅤ 26.

  • pronouns :ㅤ she/her.

  • species :ㅤkeeper.

  • birthdate :ㅤN/A.

  • sexuality :ㅤstraight.

  • origin :ㅤeulmorian.

  • location :ㅤlocation.

  • alignment :ㅤN/A.

Raphtalia has a 5'6 height, slender build with curvy features. Her hair is said to be a gentle shade of pink. Her eyes are a mix of green and blue while her lips are soft red. She can be seen as having very striking white marks across her cheeks and body, showing off her kitsune qualities. When using potent amounts of Aether, she is said to have multiple fox tails which would immerge from her. Beast like horns shape around the top of her head, often fashioned with a ribbon given to her by her childhood guard.


ㅤ❝ㅤ I only wish to continue my path in the way I choose it. Stand in the way of that and it'll be your last mistake... ㅤ❞ㅤ

❀ backstory

Raphtalia Raven, originally Ra’Talia Rae, was born as a Eulmorian noble to a household mother and Diplomat father. During her upbringing she was taught how to be a proper noble; worthy of the House Rae name. Her childhood would have been stripped from her the moment she was able to speak and walk as she would immediately be placed into schooling to learn proper etiquette and manners. As her status would dictate, her family would only allow her an allocated amount of time towards being a child.From the moment she woke up to the moment she would go to sleep her entire day was planned and maintained to ensure that she would grow up to be a proper lady. At the age of eight, while enjoying her 2 hour break from schooling, she would inconveniently snap her right heel. The preceding tumble and fall would only be stopped by a male roegadyn guard as he would catch her mid-fall to prevent her from hurting herself. He would take off his helmet and help her feel better about the broken shoe by making her laugh before introducing himself as Anjal. This would be the beginning of their friendship as Anjal would take great joy in bringing Ra’Talia small snacks and toy's from his home in Gatetown. Ra’Talia would begin to value her friendship with Anjal more and more as he was her only source of what life was like outside of Eulmore. As she got older she would often use her breaks to listen to his tales of adventure with wide eyes.Days turned to weeks, weeks turned into months and months to years. Before she knew it, Ra’Talia was already 15 years old. It was an exciting day, as she had always looked forward to her birthday. However, today was different. Instead of being greeted by the workers with smiles they would all look towards her with worry. Each of them attempted to give her a comforting smile, only to fail as she would walk into the main living area to see her father and mother sitting on the couch. Waiting for her. They instructed her to take a seat before explaining that today was an important day. That today would be the day that she would be given to the leader of Eulmore, Vauthry, as one of his wives. In that moment she experienced everything at once. She felt the terror of their words and what it meant for her. She felt the betrayal of their actions towards her, their daughter.She felt the anger of her choice being made for her which only resulted in her eyes losing the life in them and in her basic expression and deadpan tone she would state one word to them. “No.” Although simple, they understood everything she was feeling, expressed in a single word to set her boundaries with no room for argument. Her parents would look upon her in silence before slowly standing as a couple and leaving the living quarters. No more than an hour later Ra’Talia would receive summons from Vauthry himself. Again, she would decline only to be grabbed violently by the guard as he said “These summons are not a request. They are an order.” Without any second thoughts, Ra’Talia would swipe at the guard instinctively. Leaving gashes across his face before taking the opportunity to run.She would begin running out into the main aetheryte plaza and towards the stairwell leading down to the base of eulmore with a larger group of armored soldiers in tow. As she descended she would run past her friend, Anjal, who would be very confused by her pace. It was until he looked in the direction she came. Ra’Talia would continue to run only to stop and look back to see how close the group was until she saw what was happening. She would see Anjal holding back the group with axe in hand.She would hesitate for a moment, wondering if she should go back before shaking her head and continuing to run. As she quickly continued her descent she would see the door to the outside world. Her freedom in full view as she continued forward, with tears in her eyes before a voice loud enough to force the hair on her tail to stand on end, “ENOUGH!”.She would immediately snap her head around to see a wall of light overcome her. She would close her eyes and hold her arms up as a guard for a moment, unable to stand such exposure to the light. She would continue to sit there bracing until she slowly opened her eyes once more and looked around. What...was this place? She seemed to be left in a void of light. She couldn’t understand it as she continued to glance around in an attempt to find a way out before feeling something wet run across her face. She would instinctively lurch back in response before it happened once more causing her eyes to open.She would look around as she laid against sand, only stopping as her concentration was once more interrupted by the waning shoreline. She would slowly sit up and wipe off her face before realizing she was soaked from head to toe. She would glance around and realize that she is somewhere...completely foreign. From the paint and markings of the buildings to the architecture itself. Nothing seemed even remotely familiar. She would stand up and slowly stroll into the main market area of the city that she would later learn was named Kugane. As she strolled through the square she would feel eyes on her causing her to recluse inwards in an attempt to shield herself from prying eyes. Unbeknownst to her, her beauty would often leave those in her presence awestruck. However, in this foreign land. This attention has left her in the most unwanted position. From one chase to another she would quickly realize three men following her. In an attempt to get away she slipped into the alley ways, ducking in and out of narrow halls in order to avoid the three men. However, due to a lack of knowledge of this city, she would find herself trapped in an alleyway with the men slowly approaching. She would inhale to scream for help but before she could get it out she would feel herself get struck before everything went black.Once more she would feel herself waking but this time with a lot more pain and a pounding headache. The sounds around her wouldn’t help as she would hear a mixture of quiet chatter, the soft shuffling of feet and the subtle tapping's and clicking's of various make-up products being used. She would attempt to sit up only to have the wound on her head stop her as an older woman wearing an ornate kimono would come to her side with a warm cloth. Ra’Talia would ask the woman where she is and what happened before the woman’s eyes would avert downward with a sigh. She would explain that she had been “recruited” to be a geisha for Heaven On High. A paradise-like establishment for the wealthy and the nobility. Where they could come to watch warriors do battle and have geisha entertain their every desire.Ra’talia Rae would stop and the reality of the situation would fully sink in as she began to silently cry laying there. The realization that her first few moments of freedom would lead to her being kidnapped. She would begin to ponder if she would have better off accepting the planned marriage before being brought back to reality of the older woman asking her name. She would begin to answer only to stop herself as a memory forced its way to the forefront of her mind. She was told about this, if she got kidnapped to never give her real name as that would simply make the situation worse.She was instructed to keep the name close to her original but to add extra syllables and letters. This knowledge resulted in her giving this older woman the name “Raphtalia Raven”. During the next few months, Raphtalia would quickly realize multiple things about herself. She would use her level of popularity which allowed her to request books revolving around aether and how it is used and its practical applications as well as to keep a portion of her earnings. Through small tests on client, Raphtalia would hone and master her own aether before Challenging Heaven on High for her own freedom. The climb was daunting and arduous but she would manage to get to the finally floor. A floor she knew all too well as it was the most popular for patrons of Heaven on High, as this floor hosted the legendary hitman, Yojimbo. The owner of Heaven on High would cackle seeing her enter this final floor and begin to toss the hitman large sacks of gil. To most, this would be their demise, however Raphtalia came prepared.She would exhale and reach into her battle worn bustier and pull out a pristine note before holding it out towards the hitman. His companion, a stone pup, quickly made his way over and collected the note before bringing it back to yojimbo. He would look the note over and nod before placing a hand on the hilt of his blade and in a blur of motion would take the owner’s head clean from his shoulders. The patrons would begin to scream before he sheathed his blade once more and bowed in the direction of Raphtalia as a sign of his job being done. At last, Ra’Talia Rae…No..Raphtalia Raven, had suffered and fought for her freedom. And No one could take that from her. The true question is, what is her plan now?

Absolute Aether

The purest form of Light attuned Aether a living form can hold. Only superseded by the likes of sin-eaters and deities. This form of aether often gives those who receive it an almost euphoric sensation, causing their bodies and attributes to enhance far beyond the understanding of what they once believed themselves to be capable of achieving.

Aetherwoven Vocals

Given the pure nature of Raphtalia’s aether it is easily consumed by all living things. Utilizing a technique known as aetherweaving she is able to imbue her words and speech with aether, resulting in her being able to charm and entice those she speaks to with simple phrases and words. This technique could also be used for offense in order to trigger something known as aether-overload, to ultimately kill them.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♱ verse name

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

❀ Commissions ❀


Important: I have the right to deny any service you try to book if I am uncomfortable with the customer trying to purchase and or have any issues with what they are trying to get done for their commission. This is a very RARE occasion, but it is a rule I need to express.
Booking a slot: If you have decided to book a slot, please know that payment is upfront before I start the project. You can DM me to book a slot on my discord. A google form will be sent to you. You will NEED to fill it out so I can get all the details about your photoshoot.
Commission times: Once I start your project, it can take up to two weeks max. Please be aware that I run multiple projects at the same time and this can cause a dely in your order. Do not expect it to be done within a few hours. I take a lot of care and time to ensure the quality of the work is done correctly. My services aren’t done out of haste.
Mods: Mods are okay - Unsupported creators are safe to be used in commission work. I will not turn down anyone using any mods from various creators - I don’t dive into that drama.
Group Gposes: All prices are based off solo gposes. If you'd like to add more people into the gpose, it would cost 100k for SFW and 250k for NSFW per person added. (This is added to the TOTAL, it is NOT per person per photo. Just per person added!)

Prep work - Your end

You are expected to send me a MCDF file for the photoshoots. This will allow me to do my work freely without issues/worry of waiting on you as a model to be at a photoshoot. If you are a vanilla user, please book a day and time with ALL your glams picked out and ready to go. I will then meet up with you and save all your glam sets on my side in order for me to work. IF you are still in the stone age of modding and aren’t a mare user, please note that you are expected to then make a mod pack and send it my way as well as send me your character files of your base vanilla character, wearing the glam/modded sets you’d like in the photo’s.

Photoshoot - Casual

This is a Reshade/Gshade service - You get up to 1 photo - Mods, poses, lighting and props are included


Photoshoot - PRO

This is a photoshop service - You get up to 1 photo - Mods, poses, lighting, props, photo frames, SFX, clipping fixes, poster design and multi layers are included in this service


NSFW - Casual

This is a Reshade/Gshade service - You get up to 1 photo - Mods, poses, lighting and props are included



This is a photoshop service - You get up to 1 photo - Mods, poses, lighting, props, photo frames, SFX, clipping fixes, poster design and multi layers are included in this service



ㅤGpose BasicsㅤLinkStart-up basics for gpose


For starters and refreshers


Hello and welcome to my Basic Gpose guide! This guide will cover the very basics of Gposing! In order to understand how to use the third party software, we must learn how to use the foundations of what the /gpose settings are! Many people scrap the idea of using the basic gpose settings because they want to use fancy third party software, but please- it’s just as important to learn!

If you are new to gpose - You can access it by typing in your chat box ‘/gpose’ and hitting enter!

Entering gpose:

Now that we are in gpose, we can see a whole lot of options in the ‘Group pose Settings’. If you happen to ever click out of the settings, just hit ‘R’ and it will pull back up the settings window!Take a moment and look at all the tabs. Familiarize yourself with what you see!Now that you've had a look, I will be diving into each section one by one!

General Camera Settings tab

This section will handle the basics such as:

  • Positioning Your Camera

  • Tilting the camera to create various Changing the brightness of the environment/subject matter

  • Applying photo filters

  • Applying screen shot effects to create dynamic photos

  • Applying DOF (Depth of Field), changing the focus points

  • Applying Limb ring outlines around the edges of the photos

Positioning Your Camera

When positioning your camera for a photo, we will be using these two sliding dials along with the keys W, A, S, D. We will also be using our scroll wheel to move further or closer to our subject matter. How does this all look?

Using W, A, S, D controls:

Pressing ‘D’ to move the camera right.

Pressing ‘A’ to move the camera left.

Pressing ‘W’ to move your camera up.

Pressing ‘S’ to move your camera down.

Combine W, A, S, D with a left click!

Let's not forget the easy part. Say you want to get a better angle of the side profile of your subject matter. By combining what we've just learned and holding down left click and moving right, left, up, and down - we can find new angles to capture our subject matter!

For this photo, I pressed 'S' to reposition the camera so that the subject could fit on the screen. Then, I held down the left click to turn the view so we could see the side of her. I also pressed 'A' to move her off to the side, providing a large space to the right of the image.

Something for everyone to remember when using left click: It WILL move up and down as well. All angles can be manipulated when holding down the left click. For example, think of your camera view - what it’s pointing at - as a ball. That ball has a magic force field around it that you can’t pass. You can go around it. Move up and down, around the sides and down low, all following the same circular sphere that seems to tie you to the camera view!

Take some time now to explore and experiment with this! You can discover a multitude of combinations, new perspectives, and ways to position your subject matter in this manner!

Now with those basics out of the way, let’s not forget to show you how to reset your camera in case you ever want to restart!

Find and locate this icon and press it! It’s that simple! It will revert all your work on the camera angles and default it to a more natural position.

Using your scroll wheel

Your default view when opening Gpose should look something like this:

So naturally, you’d want to zoom in closer to see your subject matter and get them set up for the photo. How do we go about doing this? Easy! We use our scroll wheel!

Scrolling UP on the scroll wheel will zoom us closer to our subject matter.

Scrolling DOWN on our scroll wheel will zoom us further away from our subject matter.

Camera zoom tech

Pay attention to the following lesson! It will teach you how to combine zoom lens options to give you dynamic focal points!

There's a very important part of focusing on a subject matter. One, identifying the factors of 'Do I want to show off the background/backdrop?' and two, 'Do I want more focus on my subject than anything else?'.

By using the scroll wheel, I can zoom in slightly while also bringing the background closer to me:

This is accomplished by using the camera position zoom. Think of it this way - your scroll wheel is a person. It can move closer to or further away from the subject matter (YOU). The camera position zoom is your 'camera', and it allows you to zoom in and out to see the fine details of the subject matter!

What would it look like reversed?

Our camera position is zoomed all the way out, while our scroll wheel (our little imaginary friend) is moved all the way in.

I highly suggest playing around with these combinations to better understand how to compose your photos in the future.

DOF - Depth of Field

The next topic we are going to touch upon is DOF! You might ask, what is depth of field?Well, let's break it down! Many know or have an idea based on looking at a picture and seeing that the background is blurred out - this is a very basic concept of DOF. To put it into more technical terms and more in ‘depth’

What is DOF?

Depth of field (DoF) is the area between the nearest and farthest points from the camera that are acceptably sharp in an image. A deep DoF means all or most of your photo will be in focus, including the foreground, subject and background!

Why is DOF important in photography?

Understanding depth of field is important and can greatly influence your photography; it helps distinguish the foreground from the background to create a focal point that draws the eye and tells it where to look.

How do I use DOF in Gpose?

So when you open up your gpose each time, you will have this button automatically checked on and applied:

Depending on your range, the background will become clearer or less clear with the higher or lower the number.

For example:

This is how the default DOF will look like! Very blurred and the only detail you see in focus is the subject matter.

Remember the lesson up top where I was talking about ‘Think of your camera as being held by a person - when you scroll wheel, that’s them walking closer or further away and with them zooming the camera- their feel is planted and the actual camera is doing the work’?Well DOF has a big play in the exact same methods. Think of your eyes and when they look at something - if you use your finger as an example - you lift it up and place it near your nose. The closer it gets, the more out of focus things around your finger get!

Take some time now and play around with the DOF! See what it does and how it effects your work and styles as you change camera angles and views.

But what does the ‘Manual Focus’ do?

Just like the Auto focus- by changing the number, you’re able to manually adjust it to the depth and focus you want. This can create some very artistic shots when used correctly.

Action freezing - group and single pose

Now, you might be sitting here and asking - what the hack are the buttons? What to they do??

The first icon (The eye) is to help your model(s) look directly at the camera! You can turn on and off this option and no matter what emote, expression or action they are doing- they will either do it towards the camera (if it’s selected as on) or where that player targetted last.

Action targetting on:

See how my bean is looking right at me with those souless eyes? Yeah, it’s cuz I told her to!

Action targetting off:

Pft! Now look at her - with it turned off, she’s too busy looking off at the clouds or something??But with jokes aside- this can really help improve your main focus for your photos!

Keep in mind - when you do an action OUTSIDE of gpose, that last action is then carried through and into gpose. By default, the action targetting is ON - so everyone as well as yourself will be focused on the camera doing those actions.

A good way to reset your action BEFORE you go into gpose is using /groundsit and standing back up by jumping. A lot of venue photographers and general photographers use this as a way of making sure their clients are ready in their idle poses!
